In this semester, I am going to discover two Korean cultural topics. One is the identification, sentiment and effect about Korean TV drama and the other is related to culture, gender, and self. The perspective of second cultural topics will be going to expand from individualism-collectivism relationship in Korea. Why I am going to choose these two topics here. Since I learned a lot of Korean words and sentences from Korean TV dramas last semester, I discovered some interesting aspects on Korean TV dramas, and I knew a lot of Korean movies are from their eye-catching news in everyday life. What kind of social values are these Korean movies going to transfer? Obviously the big picture of two cultural topics that I am going to talk is social values.
I have already found several journals about Korean drama affects and Korean individualism-collectivism relationship. In addition, I plan to talk with several friends coming from Korea, and know about the real social hierarchy and value in Korea. At the end of semester, I hope to come up with the specific social values how people will behave these social values, whether or not the accelerated economies is influenced by this kind of social values.