"I Can" Statements
1. I can read and say basic Korean words.
- Single consonants and vowels only.
- I cannot write.
2. I can conduct basic greetings, farewells, and introductions
- Formal and informal
3. I can give basic descriptions of identity
- Where I am from, age, what I do, what I am studying, hobbies
4. Talk about basic family
- I can tell how many parents and siblings I have
- Name each of my family members based on their honorifics (e.g. older brother, younger brother, etc.)
5. I can tell time, though it is not easy
- I know the Sino-Korean and Hangeul Korean basic numbers
6. Dating
- I can ask someone out on a date
- I can name basic items at the dinner table
7. I can order food from a restaurant
8. I can talk about my hobbies
- what I like to do and why
9. I can talk about basic weather
- good, sunny, cloudy, rainy
10. I can describe my home on a basic level
- size, color, what you might find in the yard