So far I am feeling confident in how much Farsi I have learned thus far. At this point I feel like I know and can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, basic greetings, questions and answers. Below is my learning plan for week 2 and already I feel as though I have accomplished much of it already. I have begun to realize how helpful flashcards, the language partner and practicing with classmates are. The only setback I have had so far is the language partner asked me a question today and I was not able to understand what she was saying so I got flustered instead of trying to understand what she was saying. I think this was a valuable lesson in learning what not to do, freezing when asked a question, but staying calm and trying to understand what she is saying. I realized once she asked another student the same question I knew what she was asking, but had become flustered when put on the spot. This is definitely something I want to work on for next week and be better prepared for class so that hopefully this scenario does not repeat itself.Learning PlanObjectives• Learn numbers 1-20 and be able to say them and write them• Learn 10 colors and be able to say them and identify them• Learn 5 adjectives and be able to use them in a conversation• Learn days of the week and be able to say them in order and recognize them when writtenResources• Language Partner• Other classmates• BYKI flashcards• Print out of Farsi numbers• Links posted by others on Diigo, particularly the one related to days of the week posted by Becky WalkerTasks• To learn the numbers I will study the handout of Farsi numbers, make flashcards and learn the flashcards. I will then mix up the flashcards so that they are not in order and be able to correctly place them in order from 1-20. Without the flashcards or the handout sheet I will write the numeric symbols in order from memory.• I will learn 10 colors from the BYKI flashcards, make flashcards, and then be able to identify different colors after studying the flashcards• I will learn 5 adjectives from the BYKI flashcards, make flashcards with English on one side and Farsi on the other and study them in order to use them appropriately in a conversation. I will practice my conversations with my language partner and other classmates• I will learn the days of the week from the online site posted by Becky Walker on the Diigo by placing them on flashcards and studying them. I will also put the Farsi script on one side of the flash card so that I can learn to recognize the days of the week when they are writtenEvaluation• In order to determine if I know the numbers 1-20 I will recite them orally to my classmates and language partner in order. I will also have a classmate scramble the flashcards with the Farsi side up and have me put them in order to demonstrate that I know the numbers in addition to writing the numbers in order from memory.• In order to determine if I know the colors I will have my classmates or language partner point to objects around the room that are the 10 colors I have learned in order to orally identify them.• Be able to respond with 5 different adjectives when asked the question how are you by my language partner or classmates.• To learn the days of the week I will take my wall calendar and translate from English to Farsi the days of the week orally and be able to look at a Farsi calendar and identify the days of the week.