Reflect upon what you have learned from the cultural projects presented in class.
Brenda’s presentation about the increasing popularity of living alone and being ok with living alone was very interesting the context of Korea’s collectivist society, but such a life style isn’t particularly unusual in our American, individualist society. I thought it was really amazing how modern financial concerns, like the increasing cost of supporting a family, could affect a society and how the people of that society live so greatly. Taiyaba’s presentation about the changing demographics of the Korean population was also really interesting because it will surely have a great impact on such a homogeneous country. I was surprised by how much Russian history was mixed into her topic. David’s topic about robots in Korea made me more aware of Korea’s advanced technology. I knew that Korea had the worlds best internet, but I didn’t know anything about their standing in robotics. It suprises me that Korean robotics is advanced and common enough that people can buy robots for the simplest things, like to be a drinking companion.
Overall, every presentation taught me something that I didn’t previously know about, which goes to show that there’s so much one could delve into when researching any country’s culture. Besides being on interesting topics, all of the presenters seemed to be well prepared and were well spoken, and I was impressed by how much each person had learned during their self-directed studies this semester.