Discussion Post #8
David Kim
I have started writing in my target language with phrases and sentences that are frequently used in real life situations. I have learned phrases and sentences about weather, food, jobs, and hobbies. For example, To ask "what is your hobby?" will be, “당신의 취미는 무엇입니까?” (Dang-sin-e chwi-mi-neun muos-sim-ni-kka) I would prefer to write free hand in my target language than to type because I am not very used to typing in my target language. Since I prefer to type than to write free hand in English, I think I will prefer to type than write free hand also in English when I get familiar with typing in Korean. I can see a definite difference between English and Korean in the structures of words, clauses, and sentences. Usually, in English, clauses or sentences will be formed with several words. In this case, words in those clauses or sentences usually do not change. Some articles, prepositions, or words are added. However, there are much more variations of words in forming clauses of sentences in Korean. When a word is used for a different role, it would have different suffixes. There could be an addition of articles, prepositions, or words, but usually, a suffix will be added to the word itself.