Languages go extinct when humans cease to utilize them, whether it be through speaking, reading, or writing. When a language dies, it is no longer used as a form of communication between individuals. The reading and the interview made me think of how people say that Latin is a dead language. I always found that claim interesting, considering the fact that there are still many scholars who study and use Latin, although perhaps not on a daily basis. It seems to me that the life of a language depends heavily on its utilization by native speakers, and I think this is partially due to the relationship that culture has with language. Anyone can learn another language, but to truly understand it, one must be able to connect with its cultural aspects.
The best way to preserve a language would be for elders to teach it to younger generations. However, this option is obviously not always feasible and is probably the most difficult way to preserve a language. Linguists can help by using the Internet and technology, which has already been done countless times to preserve multiple languages. Not only can they create written documents, but also record podcasts for further interaction. I am unsure of whether a language that dies can ever truly be brought back to life, because if it has died, it means that there are no longer any native speakers. However, I think that there are many efforts that can be taken to ensure that a language is never forgotten, because languages are a significant part of cultural history.