In Figuring Foreigners Out and the Hofstede Dimensions of Culture, they both talked about 6 dimensions of culture. First of all, individualism measures the degree that a society enforces individual or collective achievements and relationships. Secondly, power distance measures the degree of acceptance of equality or inequality between people. Third, masculinity measures the dominant values of a society driven either by competition and success or caring for others and quality of life. And then, uncertainty avoidance measures the degree of tolerance for uncertainty in society. Long term orientation and indulgence are not that important but are also parts of the dimensions of culture.
At the same time, the author of Figuring Foreigners Out talked about how the the two extremes ends of each spectrums, such as individualist vs. collectivist, nonverbal communication, monochromic vs. polychromic, internal vs. external, direct vs. indirect, affect countries to be different from one another. Based on the article, I can tell how countries such as the United States places an emphasis on individualist more, compared with China and Korea.
I agree with both Figuring Foreigners Out and the Hofstede Dimensions of Culture because in my opinion, the differences among countries based on these ideas are really evident.