I did my cultural research presentation on Korean dialects. There are six main dialects in South Korea.

1. Gyeonggi

2. Gangwon

3. Chungcheong

4. Gyeongsang

5. Jeolla

6. Jeju

Out of these six dialects, I focused on Gyeongsang and Jeju dialect. I focused on the grammar and lexical aspect of the two dialects. Learning about the two dialects helped me understand the language and culture of Korea as I learned about the two dialects. 

Here is a link to a google drives folder with my presentation slides, and videos on how the Gyeongsang and Jeju dialect sounds like! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ol-JOWP4ixnXSiKxK2nS_D2fIHojw4ZD?usp=sharing ;

Here are the sources I used to create my presentation: 

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  • Hey Amy, I really enjoyed your cultural presentation on the different dialects in Korea. I actually speak Korean fluently because I was born there and I didn't know that there were that many. You should look into the Korean dialect spoken in North Korea because I know it is very different from the ones you researched. It's really interesting that the grammar and lexical aspects of the dialects are so different from one another.

  • Also, I think the box link might not be working yet. Just wanted to let you know :)

  • Amy, I was fascinated by the fact that the Jeju dialect is completely unintelligle to standard Korean speakers. I always wonder at what level of variation you would call something a completely different language vs. a dialect. I also loved that you connected the President's incident to the controvery surrounding dialect. Something similar happens in my country Nepal where there is a lot of pressure on minority groups to give up their dialect and use the "standard Nepali". I wish we respected we dialects and the rich history taht comes with it. Great job with such an insightful presentation! 

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