A link to my project is included in this posting. My sources are included as the final slide in the presentation. In addition, below is a list of the Hindi words that I learned and included in my presentation. Whenever possible I gave the words written in the devanagari script. However, for some words, only phonetic spellings were available and I could not always deduce the correct devanagari spelling. Thus, these words are given in the Latin alphabet.
Khali - Goddess of Death
सनातन धर्म - Hinduism
वेद- Veda, Holiest Hindu Texts
जीवन - life
मौत - death
कर्म - karma
संसार - samsara/reincarnation
नरक - hell
पाप - sin
pātaka - crime
krmibhojana - Hell of Feeding on Worms
kālasūtra - Hell of The Thread of Time
स्वर्ग - Heaven
Punyam - piousness, virtuousness
मोक्ष - moksha, liberation
चीत - consciousness
आनंद - pure happiness
अंत्येष्टि - death rites
सम्सकारा - sacrament
तुलसी - tulsi/holy basil
पूजा - prayer
दाह - संस्कार - cremation
जीव - soul
भूत - ghost
साधू - holy man/ monk
कशी - Varanasi
सती - widow burning