- Henna as an art form
- Henna as a cultural expression of celebrations (marriages, holidays, etc)
- Social activity for women (of all ages) (normally women only)
- Henna as a symbol of fertility
- Origin of henna, practical applications of usage
- Hair usage in both men and women
- Storying with henna - telling stories with art
Cultural Presentation
God made us to be with him. Devaroo numagay awaru jo-tey-gay e-ra-kay maude_throo
God us him with to be made
Our sin separated us Numma kay-tu nummagay awaru jo-tey-gay e-ra-kay kord-allah
From him Our badness us him with to be impossible
We deserved death Numma kay-tu solagay na-voo sigh beck(bake) agittu
because of our badness Our badness for us die should have
But God so loved the us Adthre devaroo numagay asht pree-tee maude-troo awaru
That he gave is only But God us so loved did him
Son to die for our sins
numagay avaroo One-day Maga Isu numa kay-tu solagay sigh-a-
us his only Son Jesus our badness for to die
kay madthe jee-vanta aga-kay kortrue
and alive to become gave
And came back to life, that Isu nal-ley nummbekee itta ourgay more-sha sigate
Whosoever believes in him Jesus in belief have the one immortality will get
Should not perish but have
Everlasting life
Henna: http://www.puja.com/mehndi/
Storying: http://www.go2southasia.org/resource/evangelism/henna/
Melody Harper (teacher of henna storying)
Rebecca Peters (married to an Indian man)
Kawther (origin Saudi Arabia)
Mary Linggapa (Indian resident and married to an Indian man)