Turkish Delights: A Disney Short/Mickey Mouse Cartoon
Disney created Mickey Mouse shorts featuring the culture and language of different countries from around the world. In the short they created for Turkey, Mickey Mouse was a merchant at the Grand Bazaar (Kapalıçarşı) who sold Turkish delights. Because his Turkish delights were so delicious, Mickey stole the customers from other merchants (Donald Duck, who sold evil eye decorations, and Goofy, who sold instruments). I really liked how the short featured many aspects of Turkish culture and incorporated the Turkish language.
Turkish Cultural Features/New Words:
- One of the famous Kapalıçarşı gates (Nuruosmaniye Kapısı)
- "Afiyet olsun" ~ "Bon appetit" in Turkish
- A sign saying "Açık" = "Open"
- Turkish tea runners
- Goofy playing the bağlama, a Turkish string instrument similar to a lute
- Bosphorus Bridge, a bridge in Istanbul that connects Europe and Asia
- Turkish carpets