I recently read an article about a lawsuit that has been going on in 3 years in Korea. It caught my attention as I was researching for my cultural presentation. The title of the article contained the name of the main actor of "Train to Busan". He had acted in a drama called the "Guardian". The sponsors of the drama were suing the production of the drama and were fighting in a legal battle for the past three years. The sponsors of the drama claimed that the main character was supposed to eat the soup, but the co-actor ate the food, so they were suing for the return of half the contract agreement.
It was interesting because these "TMZ" moments happen in Hollywood, but not this dramatically. The sponsor's products were featured and it was obvious. However, I wondered what would happen if this kind of event happened. After I thought about it, the Korean culture places great emphasis on a specific celebrity. If a celebrity wears something, it's sold out the next day often. Therefore, it's understandable that the sponsors would even sue over this. I thought it was a really interesting story.