There is a slight cultural difference in gift giving holidays between Korea and the U.S. - on valentines, it is mostly girls that give gifts to guys, whereas in the U.S. it is usually the opposite. However, there is another day in Korea called White Day, which was just a week ago, and on that day reciprocal gifts are given. But mostly guys receive gifts from girls. The tradition started out in Japan in the 1970s, where supposedly men were given marshmallows as reciprocal gifts for Valentines, but as time went on, various white colored gifts were given, and now there are no specific limitations - just tradition. Such traditions spread to most of east Asia, like Korea and China. It occurs on the 14th of March, a month after Valentines, but it's interesting to see how Korea has developed unofficial romantic holidays for the 14th of every month.
Here is a list of the holidays I’ve found:
January 14th - “다이어리데이” - Diary Day: New diaries are exchanged between couples.
February 14th - “발렌타인데이” - Valentines
March 14th - “화이트데이” - White Day
April 14th - “블랙데이” - Black Day: Where single people eat 짜장면(Black Bean Noodles).
May 15th - “로즈데이” - Rose Day: Couples wear yellow clothing and exchange yellow roses.
June 14th - “키스데이” - Kiss Day: Give your partner kisses
July 14th - “실버데이” - Silver Day: Exchange of jewelry.
August 14th - “그린데이” - Green Day: Soju time.
September 14th - “포토데이” - Photo Day: Couples go out to take photos.
October 14th - “와인데이” - Wine Day: Celebrate relationship with wine.
November 14th - “무비데이” - Movie Day: Watch movies.
December 14th - “허그데이” - Hug Day: Give each other hugs.
These days aren’t anything of big significance, but they are an interesting representation of Korean culture. Perhaps when I am in Korea I’ll be able to witness couples partaking in these holidays.
I do find it very interesting that there are holidays for your significant other on the 14th day of every month. Here in the U.S. we only have one day dedicated to your significant other. I am also really curious to taste the black bean noodles. I wonder if they have a special flavor since they are made for single people to eat.
These holidays are so unbelievably cute. It must not easy being single with so many days dedicated to couples. I was talking to my langue partner and we talked about another Korean holiday not celebrated in the U.S. which is children's day. I was so excited to hear about this because its also a holiday in Nigeria. We'd get goody bags at church but on a show and a parade. I am completely here for any reasons to celebrate.
I really think it was interesting how you listed a list of unofficial romantic holidays that were celebrated in South Korea. I did not know "Silver Day" or "Green Day" existed when I lived in Korea. But the other unofficial holidays look familiar. I wonder if I will celebrate these holidays if I get into a relationship.
I think it's really interesting that South Korea has so many couple holidays. Even Christmas is a holiday that many couples spend together, rather than with family like we do in America. I remember when I was studying abroad in Korea convenience stores had a ton of Pepero and Pocky promotions/sales for Pepero day on 11/11. So I think these holidays are a great way for businesses to make money too.
Hi Joseph,
I think the holidays in Korea are super unique! From your list of holidays, it looks like the English translation of the holiday shows that the holidays have a lot to do with color. I think from your list, my favorite would be 블랙데이 because I love black bean noodles. In Chinese culture, it is called zhajiangmian, which has phonetic similarities with Korean but I have never tried Korean black bean noodles. I am interested to see if the taste is different or perhaps the same.