Borek is a savory Turkish pastry that can be stuffed with different fillings, such as cheese, spinach, and meat (but there are also sweet variations). Börek can also come in different shapes, some of which have distinct fillings:
- Su böreği (water borek)—consists of large sheets of yufka dough layered on top of each other. The borek is then cut up into small squares
- Kalem böreği (pen borek)—used to be called sigara böreği (cigar borek). Kind of looks like an egg roll
- Gül böreği (rose borek)—Coiled into a spiral shape
One weekend during the semester I went to a farmers' market back home and ordered borek from a Turkish food stand! The attached pictures show that they are the gül böreği shape. One was spinach borek and the other was filled with meat. Very good!
^ Spinach (Ispanaklı börek)
Ground beef (Kıymalı börek)