Cultural Post #1

I binge-watched a new series on Netflix called "Kingdom". I first heard about this series when I was watching a Korean entertainment show and actress, 배두나, (Bae Doona) mentioned the new Korean series. Bae Doona is often mentioned as the actress who made it to Hollywood. She featured in Sense8 and Cloud Atlas. One of my favorite Korean actors, 주지훈, also is a part of the show. Joo Ji Hoon was an actor in the Korean film "Along with the Gods", a film I watched in Korean class last year. 

Surprisingly, the first season was amazing!! I actually finished it in one day. The whole series was in Korean, and there were English subtitles. I got my Taiwanese friend to start the show and she loved it as well. As Korean culture and media is becoming more well known through Kpop and Korean dramas, I realize how vast an effect media can have on being able to spread the culture of a country. The setting of the series is in ancient Korea, which additionally helps bring more awareness and education to not only the current state of South Korea but also its history. 

Attached is a link to the series!

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  • I love watching Korean series as well! I used to watch them all the time in high school when I had more free time. Sadly, I haven't been able to watch many since I came to college because of the greater workload. I do think that even just by watching Korean dramas, I am able to enhance my Korean language skills and conversational speaking skills. Maybe I'll try watching the first episode of "Kingdom." I loved "Along with the Gods," and so it would be great to see the same actor in a different setting.  

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