Kiarostami was born in, the capital of Iran, Tehran. He stated his career by creating advertisements for Iranian television.His first production was a short film The Bread and Alley about school boys confronting an angry dog. After that many other films followed such as The Experience, The Traveler, Report and many more. Abbas Kiarostami has unique style , unlike many other directors who create extravagant scenes in the large scale production his movies are very simple but at the same time they are very complex too, and often they are mix of fiction and documentary elements. His explanation for this is that "We can never get close to the truth except through lying".
As a director he has received a worldwide acclaim for his work and has won at least seventy awards during his career. The Ben Gibson, the director of the London Film School described Abbas Kiarostami by saying this "Very few people have the creative and intellectual clarity to invent cinema from its most basic elements, from the ground up". I really enjoyed Wind will carry us and will exploring and watching his other works.