Muusaa: Asalaa maalekum.
Lauren: Maalekum salaam Peace be upon you
M: Nanga def? How are you doing?
L: Maangi fi rekk I’m fine.
M: Naka waa kër gi? How is the family?
L: Nungi fii They are fine.
M: Noo tudd? What’s your name?
L: Lauren laa tudd, yow nag? My name is Lauren, and you?
M: Muusaa laa tudd, Noo sant? My name is Muusaa. What’s your last name?
L: Becker laa sant. My last name is Becker.
M: man, Jòop la. Foo jóge? Me, it is Diop. Where are you from?
L: Maryland laa jóge. I come from Maryland.
M: Foo dëkk léegi? Where do you live now?
L: Cees laa dëkk léegi. I live in Thies now.
M: Americain nga? Are you American?
L: Waaw, americain laa. Yes, I’m American
M: Looy liggéey? What is your profession?
L : Wolonteer u Corps de la Paix laa. I’m a PeaceCorps Volunteer.
M: Ci ban program ngay liggéey? In which program do you work?
L: Ci mbay laay liggeey. I work in agriculture
M: Am nga jëkkër? Do you have a husband? (Are you married?)
L: Déedéet, amuma jëkkër, Yow nag, am nga jabar? No, I don’t have a husband And you, do you have a wife? (Are you married?), .
M: man itam, amuma jabar. Me neither, I don’t have a wife.
L: Jërëjëf, kon ba benneen yoon Thank you, so see you next time.
M: waaw, ba benneen Yes, see you next.
This dialogue is from an open-source Wolof text. I can proudly say that I understood and can read mostly all of the wolof text! My language partner and I discussed the translations.