Bon atril- Lets Begin

This past week we were supposed to blog on both an intensive and extensive listening practice. For my intensive Hebrew practice, I decided to listen to a short movie on numbers and months. Both of these videos, to my surprise, taught me numbers 0-10 and all the months really quickly! I was shocked how fast I was able to pick up these concepts. Next time I think I am going to listen to a weather report. At the moment I don't know more than a few words dealing with weather; however next week I plan to learn more so that I will be able to follow what is happening in the scene.My intensive listening practice was not very productive. I looked up a scene from Lion King, Hakuna Mata, and since I know the words I figured it would be easy to follow but it was actually a lot more difficult than I had imagined. I know I will have to watch more then I have to really pick up the whole scene but I am slowly learning new words.
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