After we learned Korean idiom last two weeks, we came to Korean slang. Similar to idiom, slang is widely used and has become one of the popular trends in Korea. By learning some slang and used it during conversation, we can better understand the Korean culture and sound more native. The following is the nine slang we learned in class.
얼죽아:얼어죽어도 아이스 아메리카노
It means that even if die in winter, Ice Americano is indispensable. Brenda told us that Ice Americano is the most popular drink in cafes and it is a fashion if you order that.
I drunk it in Starbucks but Brenda said it is different from Korean style Ice Americano. Koreans take their americano with one shot of espresso and at least 200 mL hot water. A buttload of ice if they want it cold, so they are translucent pale brown. However, the Americanos in the US are almost always served with two shots of espresso and they are an opaque near-black.
꾸안꾸: 꾸민듯 안꾸민듯
Translation: when you look like you didn’t try but you did. It refers to someone who is naturally fashion whose outfit looks like did not try too hard but really stylish.
졌잘싸: 졌지만 잘 싸웠다
Translation: It’s a good play, but still lost.
Translation: According to
비담: 비주얼담당
Translation: the person who is the most good looking one in K-pop group and literally translate as the best face of group.
안물안궁:안물어봤고 안궁금해
Translation: I didn’t ask, so I am not curious and I do not care what you said.
핵인싸- very insider
Translation: It refers to someone can gain many information from “inside” within a group.
워라벨- work-life balance
This is a word borrowed from English and it is pronounced as wolabar which pick the first syllable of work-life balance and combine them to a new word. There are many other combination Korean words which are very interesting such as 불꽃 fireworks = 불 fire + 꽃 flower.
댕댕이- 멍멍이
This is a bob-tailed dog breed originating in Korea and it is also a slang because it is invented when too many people write it wrong as 멍멍이. This is so interesting!
For the last class, we reviewed a lot of things we learned this semester and I am satisfied with my progress in Korean learning. My goal for this semester is to improve the skills of communication, especially to learn the conversation that I can truly use when I travel to Korean because learning is for using and I did learned the topic about tourism and how to order food in restaurant. I began to looking forward my future language learning already!
Interesting post! I totally agree that those slangs are widely used in Korean daily conversations. Koreans really like to make shortened versions of everything. I have seen a lot of them in their TV shows. The first slang you post is my favorite! I can't agree more with that slang.
Great post! I completely agree with the statement that we sound more native when we use slang. It's really interesting how much of the words that Koreans use in daily conversations are shortened versions of longer phrases.