Bi-weekly post #4

For our seventh meeting, we worked on reading comprehension and solving problems that were related to the readings. We read about two different topics, which were the history of the founding of Yonsei University in South Korea, and ancient Korean art. We learned that the founder of Yonsei University, which is considered one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea, was founded by an American missionary named Horace Grant Underwood, and how he fell in love with South Korea and its people. He dedicated his life to building education and Christianity within South Korea, and even during his death, he wished to go back to Korea. Now, he is buried in South Korea, and his legacy lives on in Yonsei University. We also read about two ancient Korean artworks, specifically the “Folding Screen with lotus flowers and birds” and “Irworobongdo”. The folding screen was a very popular gift from the parents to their sons, because it had a meaning of happy marriage and living a humble life. “Irworobongdo” was a painting that was always placed behind the King of the Joseon dynasty of South Korea. The name literally means the sun, moon, and the five mountains in Korea. The meaning behind the painting is that the king works hard during the day and night, and work to protect the country and its people like the five mountains. The amazing part of this painting is that there is a space in the center of the painting, and it is there for the king to sit in front of the painting to complete the painting. I thought it was really cool that the people thought of using a person to complete the painting, and shows how creative people were even back in the days.

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  • This was so interesting! I never knew that Yonsei University was founded by an American missionary. Also, Irworobongdo has such a beautiful meaning behind it. Korea's depiction of their king who works hard for his country and is an integral part of its completion as a country contrasts so much with the U.S. where we've come to become so distrustful of our government. I've become so much more interested in Korean history and art. 

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