For the last class, we switched gears and actually started to communicate with each other in Korean for the first time. We asked about classes:
- 수업 쉬워요?
- Is the class easy?
- 어려워요!
- It’s hard!
We asked about plans and schedules:
- 안녕하세요, 경미 씨. 성수입니다.
- Hello, this is Yongjun.
- 안녕하세요, 성수 씨.
- Hello Yongjun.
- 지금 12시 15분입니다. 우리 극장에 몇 시에 갑니까?
- It’s 12:15 now. What time are we going to the theater?
- 3시 30분에 갑니다.
- We’re going at 3:30.
We also asked about plans and rejections:
- 미나 씨는 내일 계획이 있습니까?
- Do you have plans tomorrow?
- 아니오. 계획이 없습니다.
- No, I don’t have any plans.
- 그럼 내일 남대문에 갑시다.
- Then let’s go to Namdaemun tomorrow.
- 음… 잘 모릅니다.
- Hmm… I don’t know.
Finally, we learned some restaurant dialogues:
Waiter : Good Evening. How many people?
안녕하세요 몇 분이신가요?
( an nyung ha se yo. myut boon ee shin ga yo? )
Customer : two
두 명입니다.
( doo myung im ni da )
Waiter : Smoking or non-smoking?
흡연석, 금연석 중 어느 것을 원하시나요?
( heub yun suk gwa geum yun suk joong uh neu gu seul won ha shi na yo? )
Customer : Non-smoking, please
금연석으로 해 주세요
( geum yun suk eu lo hae joo se yo )
Waiter : This way, please
이쪽으로 오세요
( ee jjok eu lo oh se yo )
Here is the menu.
여기 메뉴가 있습니다
( yu gi me nyoo ga it seum ni da )
Customer : What do you recommend?
어느 것을 추천하시나요?
( uh neu gu seul choo chun ha shi na yo? )
Waiter : Boogogi and Galbi are very tasty for barbeque.
불고기나 갈비가 바베큐로 좋습니다
( bool go gi na gal bi ga ba be kyoo lo jot seum ni da )
I also like to recommend Bibimbab.
그리고 비빔밥도 추천드립니다.
( geu li go bi bim bab do choo chun deu lim ni da )
Customer : We will try Bibimbab.
비빔밥으로 할께요.
( bi bim bab eu lo hal gge yo )
Could you make it less spicy?
덜 맵게 해 주실 수 있나요?
( dul maeb ge hae joo shil soo it na yo? )
Waiter : Yes. I will bring spicy paste separately.
네, 고추장을 따로 가져 오겠습니다.
( ne, go choo jang eul dda lo ga ju oh get seum ni da )
Waiter : How is everything?
( uh ddu shin ga yo? )
Customer : It taste very good.. Could I have more cold water please?
매우 맛있습니다. 냉수 좀 더 주세요
( mae oo mat it seum ni da. naeng soo jom du joo se yo ).
Waiter : Sure. Here it is.
네, 여기 있습니다.
( ne, yu gi it seum ni a )
Waiter : What would you like to have for dessert?
디저트로 무엇을 드시겠습니까?
( dee ju teu lo moo ut seul deu shi get seum ni gga? )
Customer : What do you have?
어떤 게 있나요?
( uh ddun ge it na yo? )
Waiter : Ice cream and Tea.
아이스크림과 차가 있습니다.
( ah ee seu keu lim gwa cha ga it seum ni da )
Customer: We will take Ice cream. What flavor do you have?
아이스크림으로 하겠습니다. 어떤 맛이 있나요?
( ah ee seu keu lim eu lo ha get seum ni da. uh ddun mat shi it na yo? )
Waiter : We have green tea or vanilla.
녹차와 바닐라가 있습니다
( nok cha wa ba nil la ga it seum ni da )
Customer : Green tea ice cream, please.
녹차 아이스크림으로 주세요.
( nok cha ah ee seu keu lime u lo joo se yo )
Waiter : Here is your ice cream.
여기 있습니다
( yu gi it seum ni da )
Customer : Can we have a bill?
계산서를 주시겠어요?
( gye san su leul joo shi get ssu yo? )
Waiter : Here it is. Thank you.
여기 있습니다 감사합니다
( yu gi it seum ni da. gam sa ham ni da )
These conversations are great! I think these are really useful for conversations with friends, and obviously for ordering at a restaurant. Practicing conversational Korean always left me feeling most fulfilled compared to expanding vocabulary or learning new grammar, because it is something that I can immediately implement, so I think it’s really good that you switched gears and started conversing.