We are about half-way through this semester and as I look back on my work in this program, I can say I am very proud of what I have accomplished. Prior to the start of this program, I only knew the alphabet in sign language, plus a few obscure signs such as “restrooms”, “mother”, an elephant”. However, after just five weeks of instruction, I am able to generate and participate in the conversation with my instructor. Just this past week, we had a full 30-minute discussion relating to our living situations, spring break plans, family dynamics, and our favorite colors. Although I knew and it was emphasized in the beginning of the course that participating in dialogue/signing is the best way to learn a language, I forgot the entire effectiveness of such a method. Granted, I did not sign everything correctly during my conversation, but I was able to convey my information/points acutely enough that a deaf individual was able to understand me! It is AWESOME! Nevertheless, although I have learned so much, I still know so little.
When Kay, the translator, comes in, I am astonished by her ability to interpret my instructors incredibly fast signing. I might be able to understand a small portion of the story due to the intrinsic nature of sign language, along with my few weeks of training, however, the speed at which Reba signs is almost indistinguishable. However, Kay can interpret! As a hearing individual who helps the deaf community, Kay helps inspire me to continue my sign-language journey.
In addition, Reba has recently asked me to assist her with her sign-language course here at the University of Richmond through the School of Professional & Continuing Studies. I am unsure as to what this entails entirely; however, the fact that she thinks I am able to help other students learn the language has really given me confidence in my abilities. I believe the vocabulary she will be teaching to her other students will be very introductory as the course is only one day a week for four weeks. Nevertheless, I am applying the final “Teach” portion of the “Learn. Do. Teach.” model. On top of this, Reba has explained to me that the members of her ASL Champs group, the ASL teaching origination she works for, will be having a dinner get together. The purpose of such an excursion is to practice ASL outside of a classroom setting in a fun, satisfying manner. And Reba has invited me to this event! I am so excited to meet other people who as passionate about ASL as I am excited to finally be introduced to deaf community members.
Despite the fact that the course is going incredibly, and I look forward to it every week, I do wish I was able to learn more medical terminology, as that was my original goal for learning ASL-to be able to questions and treat deaf individuals in a medical emergency. However, learning a language is a process and takes a great amount of time and training. So, I understand that this too will come in time.