Bi-weekly journal 8

In the past two weeks in Korean class, since the heroine of the Korean drama "Crash landing on you" is a fashion company owner, and she mentioned popular colors in the TV series, so we learned Korean words about colors. I found that all the words related to colors is ending with “”, like “white” is “하얀색”,  “yellow” is “노랑색” and “green” is “녹색”. This rule really helps me remember new words. In a love drama like "Crash landing on you" the heroine's clothes and jewelry, or even her favorite food, can easily become popular. I remember a long time ago there was a TV show in which the heroine said, "On a snowy day, fried chicken and beer go best together." after the TV show, there was a time when everyone would buy fried chicken and beer.  You can always see people buying the same necklace or earrings on the Internet, and I think that’s why many brands sponsor TV shows, which can increase there sales a lot.

In class we begin to learn polite informal expression “아요/-어요”, which is is in present tense. This ending differs from the previous endings in that it is not distinguished by vowels or consonants, but by the vowels found in the main part. Every Korean word must have a vowel sound, so this rule is not difficult to understand and apply. Verb stems that contain vowels ” or ” are followed by “-아요”, and verb stems that contain vowels ” or “” or “” are followed by “-어요”. For us to have a better understanding of this rule, Ms. Kim gives us several examples. “놀다 ” means “to play” and its main part “놀다” contains vowel “”, so by the definition we will use “-아요” and write as “놀아요”. And also, “살다” means “to live” and we can see its main part “” contains vowel “”, so by the definition we will use “-아요” and write as “살아요”. Ms. Kim told us that there are always exceptions to every rule. In this rule, because the ending contains vowel sound “”, so the main part of the verb changes when it ends in vowel sound “”, but since how it changes depends on the word, so we need to remember each change. Take “가다” and “하다” for example, we can see they all contains vowel sound “”, if we follow the rules we'll write as “가아요” and “하아요”. However, it is inconvenient for us to pronounce double “”, so we change them in to “가요” and “해요”. Ending “-어요” is similar to ending “-아요”, and there are also exceptions. “이다” means “to be”, and we can write it in to two forms “이에요” and “예요”. If the verb has final consonant, like “”, we use “이에요” and write as “물이에요”. If If the verb has no final consonant, like “커피”, we use “에요” and write as “커피에요”. Ms. Jin only taught us some common verbs and the special forms of common verbs, and we are sure to encounter more special forms in the future study, which we need to remember all of them.

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  • Hi Yanran, thanks for the sharing. I haven't really learned anything about color for this semester but I would want to in the future because now I find it very useful. And it is interesting to know the rules about applying the "vowel-ending" rule and also the rule related to words about colors! I also watched this Korean drama and it is so good.

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