I just realized how little time that I have left since the semester is coming to an end. Therefore, I decided to crank my lessons with Gökhan up a notch. Earlier in the semester, we had been meeting twice a week for two hours each but now we have started to meet every day in the week for an hour or so. I figured that this would be better as it would give me more exposure to the language. I believe that it has been working out well from my initial perspective because I am now constantly searching for words to contextualize the world around me. Gökhan also put me in contact with one of his co-workers from Turkey so I have started to practice my writing more with him.
Also, a friend and I just bought tickets to go to New York right before graduation so I decided to revamp my personal Turkish journal entries writing about random things. I want to have as much exposure to the language as possible so that I don’t take forever trying to say a single sentence when I meet people. In my first couple entries, I reviewed writing my self introductions, why I want to learn Turkish, and also about my time in Barcelona. I had Gökhan edit what I wrote to make sure that the sentences were right.
With regards to the lesson, Berhaun reacted fine for the most part. I think that she might have been a little overwhelmed because I covered a lot from “hello” to asking someone how they are. I think the only thing that she really remembered was how to say “hello” and “good bye” because “hello” in Turkish is the same as in Tigrinya and she has heard me say “good bye” to Gokhan a lot in Turkish. I guess I now know not overwhelm my student with too much next time.