Okay! So things were going great for the past few classes until my last class covering the potential suffix! This suffix allows you to form sentences like “I can come”.This is fairly simple to make for positive sentences in the present tense. In my last class, I learned that this can get a little more complicated for negative sentences because a subtle change in entonation and morphology can make that potential statement either “I cannot come”, “I may not come”, or “I may not be able to come”. To be completely honest, I still do not understand it. Thankfully, there is a lesson of this on the podcast that I listen to (Turkish Tea Time). I listened to the episode some time last semester but I thought that it was too advanced for me at the time so I did not pay as much attention. But since I am a Turkish pro now (not really haha), I am going to check it out again and take notes before I ask Gökhan again.
On the bright side of this somber entry, I am getting more used to this really complicated suffix to form subordinate clauses, specifically forming sentences like “I think that …” Unfortunately, it takes me an arm and a leg to finally make the sentences so I will be practicing those sentences a lot for the next couple weeks in order to improve my speed in production.