For my syllabus, I tried to maximize the amount of language I was exposing myself to during the first half of the semester, while the second part of the semester will be more oriented to practicing composition and presentation. I've recently decided that one of my goals will b to create an online "Bahasa Indonesia Learning Lab" that will serve as a hub of resources for future SDLAP students. I've noticed this being a difficulty of mine-- not having many reliable resources.
So far, I'm noticing a few things:
- I'm testing into higher levels on Duolingo, so I'm moving through that faster than I expected to. Considering the relatively simple grammar structure of Indonesian, I've enjoyed using Duolingo as a resource and have found it quite helpful.
- My language partner (through Italki) has been a wonderful resource for providing worksheets. She has me bring them to sessions, and I've found them more helpful than the exercises in my textbook. She's begun to have a busier schedule (and canceled some of our sessions), so I'm unsure if I'll be able to keep working with her, but it's been wonderful for the time being.
- Creating vocabulary lists for the Lab has been wonderful for expanding my vocabulary. I've been trying to use images rather than English translations when relevant, and this is helping me to mentally retreive the words faster.