My first Persian artifact demonstrates several grammatical concepts:
"Diruz be yek hotel raftam"
I went to a hotel yesterday (yesterday to one hotel went-I)
--Shows how ‘yek’ is used to designate "a", or "an"
Man muze rau didam
I saw a museum
--Shows how lack of an 'i' sound or 'yek' creates a definite noun
Pesari rau dar khiyaban didam
I saw a boy in the street.
--Shows how placing an 'i' sound after a noun makes the noun indefinite
For my first Hebrew Artifact I recorded several sentences that shows how inserting the connectives ‘ve’ "and” or ‘o’ “or” between two parts of a sentence makes them function as one part.
We are Moses and Sara.
אנחנו משה ושרה
anhnv mshh vshrh
Is there coffee or tea?
'ש קפה או תה?
'sh qph av th?
Here is a table and there is a chair.
כאן שולחן ושןם כיסא
kan shvlhn vshnm kysa
There is either time or money.
יש או זמלן או כסף
ysh av zmln av ksp