I already went into introducing myself in my second artifact, so I focused on introducing my family in this post.
제가족에는, 엄마, 아빠, 언니와 동생네명이있어요. 저의 아빠와엄마는 Virginia Beach에 사시고, 아빠는 software engineer이고, 엄마는 life coach이세요. 저의언니Lisa는 23살이에요. Lisa는 Northern Virginia에 살고요, 7월달에 civil engineer으로서 일을시작했어요. 제 동생들중에서, 2명은 여동생들이고, 2명은 남동생이에요. 여동생 이름들은 Angelie (20살)와 Alyssa (18살) 이에요. 남동생 이름들은 David (21살)와 Stephen (16살) 이에요. 여동생 두명은 대학생이고, Angelie는 Boston University에 다니고, Alyssa는 Indiana University에 다녀요. 남동생 David은 독일에서 살고있고, Stephen은 고등학교 3학년이에요.
In my family, I have my mom, dad, older sister and 4 younger siblings. My mom and dad lives in Virginia Beach, and my dad is a software engineer and my mom is a life coach. My older sister Lisa is 23 years old. She lives in Northern Virginia, and started work as a civil engineer in July. Out of my younger siblings, two are girls and two are boys. The names of my younger sisters are Angelie (20 years old) and Alyssa (18 years old). My younger brothers' names are David (21 years old) and Stephen (16 years old). My younger sisters are college students, and Angelie goes to Boston University and Alyssa goes to Indiana University. My younger brother David lives in Germany, and Stephen is in 11th grade.