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  • This is a helpful list. I may also use these for myself. It's well-organized and has the general phrases that may be used in everyday speaking.

  • Evaluation of my first artifact:

    My first artifact involved learning the expressions of greeting in Korean. I find that these expressions are very useful if I wanted to have a simple conversation with someone in Korean. It is imperative that I learn important ways of introducing myself as well-this includes talking about my name, my age, and where I am from.

    I am a very visual learner. Therefore taking clear notes really helps me to comprehend and memorize information. In courses in the past, professors have told students to re-copy the notes that one takes in class to reinforce what one has learned. I find that this technique has stayed with me and has proved to be effective. After writing these notes, I would review pronunciation with Sun or any of my other Korean novice learners which also helps a great deal.

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