This artifact reviews what I learned in SDLC 110 and includes what I have learned so far in weeks 1 - 3 this semester.
1. Accent:
- I believe that my accent was more or less good. Of course, I have to continue to assimilate newer letter-pairing sounds into my wheelhouse. For example, words that contain "n" and "g" next to each other are very difficult for a native English speaker to pronounce.
2. Cultural Appropriateness:
- I believe that the monolog was culturally appropriate. I adhered to the norms that guide the Indonesian language. For example, some words do not translate cleanly into English. And I used the proper words in the monolog's context.
3. Linguistic Accuracy:
- The monolog was linguistically and grammatically accurate -- for the most part. It is difficult to judge a monolog based on its grammar, but, linguistically, I remained very much in the realm of an informal, or "slang," as many Indonesians like to call it, type of conversation. The words were modified to account for the informal conversation.
In all, I think I can improve my spacing in between sentences. The awkward timing between sentences will abate as time goes on.