Last week,I attended a Hillel sponsored lunch & learn with Neil Lazarus, a well known expert on communications specializing in mass media and Israel. The talk centered on the Israeli military action in Gaza in early 2009 and the way that the media portrayed. The general idea behind his talk was that people's perspective on the situation is determined almost exclusively by the exact way that the media wants to portray whatever it is that they are presenting, rather than actually allowing the viewer to gather facts and make their own conclusion on their own. Mr. Lazarus then showed us a video to illustrate this phenomenon (link provided below).
The general point that he made was that as the video says it is easy to miss something that you are not looking for, or furthermore, that isn't even shown. Essentially his whole point was that we cannot allow ourselves or others to make decisions about the Israeli situation or other situations without trying to gather as many facts as possible.