Eighth Cultural Post: Reflect upon what you have learned from the cultural projects presented in class
I was extremely interested by the education in Sweden. What stroke me the most was that higher education used to be free (until 2011) to everyone in the country which obviously says a lot about the country and the culture. A country that put a strong stress on education clearly cares about the way of living and the success of its citizens. The fact that almost all the schools but two are public is also very important. It contributes to the idea that Swedes are part of a big community where there are not much social differences among them. Which is important because with the reduction of differences, people can relate to each other more easily and can by consequence work better and do things much more efficiently than other countries where personal success is central.
The women in the military force in Israel was also interesting and also relate to education. By promoting the number of women in the army the country conveys a good message that is the equality of sex, women have the same rights than men and can fight for their country. The army is apparently a great and honorable path to follow in the country, probably due to the conflicting nature of the state of Israel that is constantly under attacks. The fact that Israelis volunteer at a very young age and choose to stay in the army their entire life reveals the dedication to their country and the importance of their identity in their life.