- Teach someone using the activity you created in Week 9; reflect upon the effectiveness of the activity.
I taught my friend the different names of stores in Korean. I then asked him to try to flip the cards up and see if he could remember the Korean word associated with the card. I think that overall the activity was harder than it seemed. He remembered some stores, but, for the most part, he could only remember a few syllables from the words. I think that it was a challenge because not only were the words multiple syllables, but they also did not have much meaning to him.
I think that in the future, I would make the activity more simple by maybe giving some of the syllables of the word. By having some sort of familiarity to the sounds, it may be possible that the word will be easier to recall and recognize. Overall, the activity was entertaining to administer and watch. However, I do not think it was fully effective for learning. I think that it was too challenging to remember and recall multiple syllable words for a beginner.