Biweekly #6
For our last class, we learned how to ask questions in multiple formats in Korean. For example, with English when we say, “Isn’t the weather nice today?”, we expect a response of “yes, it is hot.” Our questions are phrased to be validated on the spot. However, in Korean, while they also have this version, they also have another version where the question involves a negative word, and it, hence, requires a negative response. For example, in Korean, while the question may include the word “not”, it is not truly being used in the meaning of not. I would best translate it to this following scenario:
“Sally, do you not want to go to the movies?”
“No, I want to go to the movies”
In this conversation, even though not is being used, it is used more to propel the conversation as a “don’t you want to?”
We also watched a few minutes of a tv show that discussed cultural views from various people of different cultural backgrounds. They shared how one thing would be seen as normal in their society is not culturally acceptable in Korea and vice versa.