These two weeks Ms. Hanife and I have worked on a lot of different things. First of all what I found interesting was learning how to use “neither/nor” in a sentence. In Turkish we say “ne…ne”, then either/or we say ya…ya. Then we can also use “maybe…maybe” in Turkish and that is “belki…belki”. I found this particularly important because I remember when I talked to my Turkish friend I wanted to form a sentence that would include neither/nor but I could not because I did not have this knowledge. That is why I was so excited when I learned this material. We started working on gerunds. This is very important in Turkish and in any other language. For example we use it when we want to say “Learning Turkish is fun” that is when we need this gerund structure. Forming gerunds is not particularly hard but it can get confusing when we want to say negative form, at least I get confused. First time I got introduced to this tense I thought it was going to be super easy but in fact I realized that it actually has its complications (just like any other Turkish tense and form). Still, considering that we are covering such important and complex material motivates me even more to work hard.
These two weeks we also did readings, listened to some Turkish songs and read poems. I had to find a Turkish poem read it at home and during our session. I am not very interested in poems and to my mind it is hard for me to understand poems because they are very deep and complex, and that is why Ms. Hanife has a lot of understanding and we try to find easy poems.
I also read several stories in Turkish from the electronic book that Ms. Hanife gave to me just so that I can practice my Turkish. In my free time I like to watch Turkish TV shows and my favorite is Dudaktan Kalbe. Even though I watch it on youtube and I could not find the subtitles, I can tell that I understand a lot of what actors say. My problem with Turkish is that I cannot express myself in Turkish, I can understand a lot of things but when it comes to me speaking I find it difficult and it takes me a lot of time to form a sentence, mostly because I am exposed to so many tenses that I try to be so careful when forming a sentence and adding ending to verbs and nouns. I however believe that further communication with Ms. Hanife and my other Turkish friends will help me overcome this obstacle and I will be able to speak in Turkish faster and use better grammar in forming my sentences.