The last couple of things we cover this semester are objective pronouns (accusative) and possessive pronouns/Adjectives in Ge’ez and Amharic. Examples of object pronouns are me (kiyaye), us (kiane), them (kiyahomu), her (kiyaha). Examples of adjective pronouns are our (ziane), your (ziake), their (ziahomu), my (ziaye). There is another way to show possession that I learned earlier in the semester which is done by specific suffixes and surprisingly, in the examples that I saw you can use both the possessive pronoun and the suffix in the same sentence and it isn’t grammatically incorrect.
We also covered numbers up until 50. Ahadu (one), kilietu (two), selestu (three), arbaetu (four), hamistu (five), sedestu (six), sebaitu (seven), sementu (eight), tesatu (nine), asertu (ten). The way to you make double digit numbers in Ge’ez is by saying ten and one, ten and two, twenty and one, etc. There is still so much to cover but I think this semester has taught me a lot.