110 Reflection on This Week’s Learning (9/26/12)

Goal: Master telling time and incorporating numbers 11-12 for this purpose

This week, my language partners and I met twice. We focused heavily on understanding time in Gujarati. 

This week I focused heavily on telling time. Gujarat and greater India operate as a polychronic society.  To a polychron, time is continuous, with no particular structure. Polychrons see time as a never-ending river, flowing from the infinite past, through the present, into the infinite future.  Although this is very true, I figured that time is still an important aspect, as people do ask each other for the time during the work day. So I learned that (Ketla Vagya Che) means wha time is it? I respond with # vagya che. So if it is 2pm then I say, be vagya che.

These were the most important aspect of my learning process this week.

Numbers:  (1-12)

1: ek

2. be

3. thrun

4. charr

5. pach

6. cho

7. sathh

8. at

9. now

10. das

11. ugyar

12. byar

and phrases of course: I had to incorporate half, quarter, and three quarters time
sadah: 1/2

suhva: 1/4

pona: 3/4

Gujarati differs from English time in that there are two exceptions

thord: 1:30

uhdhi: 2:30

Pooja drew up a large clock for me. So I have been practicing on the clock.

When I incorporate the additional phrases, I add only one component, the phrase at the beginning.

For example:

It is 3:30, Sadah thrun vagya che

It is 1:30: Thord vagya che

It is 7:45: Pona sathh vagya che

This was an incredible learning experience this week. Time is so essential and can be a great conversation starter. I'm eager to learn it to the point where I don't have to look at a clock and think about it.

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  • It is such a switch to go from a very Monochronic Worldview to a PolyChronic Worldview.  Really interesting. 

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