This week rather than having our traditional Monday/Wednesday meetings we decided to meet on Saturday for multiple hours. We went to the grocery store to buy supplies for dinner and along the way we spoke Swedish, learned words for the specific ingredients we were buying, and talked about traditional Swedish food. We made the most delicious Swedish meatballs (köttbullar), mashed potatoes (potatismos), and ate lingonberries (lingonsylt). It's interesting because when I think of meatballs I think of the Italian meatballs that my mom makes which are served with red sauce and pasta. These were so different but also incredible!
We also learned phrases like "tack för maten" which is what you say to someone when they have paid for your meal or made your food (it literally means "thanks for the food"). Also, I know a lot more about Swedish customs when it comes to eating now! This was a really fun way to learn new vocabulary and it was nice to be able to use the food words in sentences and in a specific context. We took pictures to use for my artifacts too! I imagine we will go over the food words we learned tomorrow and have a test later this week :)