Goal: Question words, additional vocab
This week, I meet with my language partners twice. We focused heavily on specific words that would help me improve my sentence structure.
These words were
who: korn
what: shu
where: kya
whe: kyare
why: kem
how: kavreethe
I felt that learning these words would significantly help me to spark conversation with native speakers. These words in combination with basic sentence structure that I learned last week, added to my speaking abilities.
For example, I can now ask someone:
Where are you going? Tu kya jai che?
What are you going to buy? Tu shu leva jai che?
Who are you going with? Koni sathe jai che?
When are you going? Tu kyare jyais?
How will you go? Kavreethe jyais?
Why are you going? Tu kem jai che?
Additionally, I am proud to say that I can respond promptly to all of these questions.
I am working on learning more essential vocabulary as well so that I can build onto responses and questions.