Goal: Learn verb tenses
This week, I meet with my language partners twice. Both meetings focused heavily on learning basic verb tenses and phrases. I was excited to learn how to say basic sentences that describe my day to day life.
To start, I became familiar with the most commonly used structure. (PERSON + NOUN + VERB)
So for example, if I wanted to say (I am eating)I would say: Hu cow chu
Hu means (I)
cow means (to eat: I form)
chu means is
This basic structure helped me to learn even more sentences.
Then I focused on breaking down the verb tenses.
Cow may mean to eat in the I form.
But cai means to eat in the you form.
Caye means to eat in the we form.
The basic endings then are ow, ai, aye. This is very similar to my spanish learning
Also, the endings of chu would change to (che) for you, (cho) for you formal, and (chiye) for we.
It is something that must be memorized, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly.
As a result here are some example sentences:
Hu cow chu: I'm eating
Tu cai che: You're eating
Tume cow cho: You're eating (formal)
Hume caye chiye: We're eating
Hu bhunu chu: I'm studying
Thu bhune che: You're studying
Tume bhunu cho: You're studying (formal)
Hume bhunye chiye: We're studying
I was so excited to learn this. Now the process is getting it down by memory.