After meeting with Dr. Scinicariello, I have worked to review my lesson plan and tailored it to be more specific and hopefully attainable given where I am and want to be by the end of the semester. It was extremely helpful to have Gabbie with me at that meeting because since we are basically at the same point we could talk about things that we both wanted to accomplish so that our lesson plans could be similar and we would both benefit from our time spent with Emily. I have switched my focus from speaking to reading and writing given that is where I feel I am progressing the fastest. During our meeting we discussed topics of interest that we would go over with Emily and they are:
1. Greetings
2. Family
3. Food/meals/how to order in a restaurant
5. Weather
Task: know how to greet people and introduce myself
Activity: I will learn from Emily how to properly greet people and introduce myself and will practice using the YouTalk App
Task: know how to describe my family
Activity: I will draw a picture of my family tree and use the vocabulary to label each person on the tree.
Task: know how to describe parts of a meal/what goes on the dinner table
Activity: I will learn the appropriate vocabulary from Emily and draw a dinner plate and describe the various objects. I will also use flashcards to practice the new vocabulary
Task: learn how to describe the weather
Activity: I will watch YouTube clips of weather reports from Israel. I will also ask Emily to teach me some common words/phrases about weather. I will draw and describe some weather from a scene