My goals for this week were to improve my conversation skills and learn more useful vocabulary.
I used the Hello Talk app once again to accomplish these goals since not only was I able to have an actual conversation with a native Korean speaker but I was also able to practice my reading and writing skills through text. Through this app I was able to practice my speaking skills over the phone for around 40 minutes with a friend by talking about basic information such as my family, my age, and where I am from. I also learned more school-related vocabulary such as international business "국제경영", macroeconomics "거시경제학", engineering "공돌이", and dorm "기숙사". Furthermore, I have become more familiar with colloquial language. For example, I learned the expression "쏘다" and "골든 벨 울릴게" which means "I'll pay this table" but in literal terms means "these ones" and "ring the golden bell" are used when treating someone to a meal or a drink.