This week I focused on more basic but necessary vocabulary such as weather and family. I already know the vocabulary for close family members such as 아빠, 엄마, 오빠, 할머니, 할아버지 which mean dad, mom, older brother, grandma, and grandpa in the informal style. I learned the vocabulary terms for extended family members and other family terms such as cousin (사촌), mother-in-law (시어머니), father-in-law (시아버지), nephew (조카), niece (조카딸), sibling who are brothers(형제), siblings who are sisters (자매), younger brother (남동생), younger sister (여동생), and more. As for weather, I expanded my vocabulary by watching Youtube videos and practicing through a helpful Quizlet I found that had more specific weather terms such as sleet, drizzle, and etc. The videos and quizlet I used are linked below.
Family Phrases:
Quizlet for weather: