Evaluation for Artifact 1
I think both Xiaoting and I did a good job in artifact 1. Xiaoting was able to fluently say each sentence, however, she can work on more on the pronunciation of some words. I think my pronunciation is ok, yet I need more energy in introducing myself to address cultural appropriateness. In addition, we both should work on accent.
Evaluation for Artifact 2
We talked about ordering food in a restaurant for artifact 2. We made background noise to represent the atmosphere in a restaurant. Xiaoting was able to fluently order food in Korean, as well as demonstrating accuracy in word pronunciation and accent. I need to sound more exciting being a waitress and to practice more to boost my fluency in Korean. In addition, we both can work on accent more.
Evaluation for Artifact 3
We again made phone call rings to indicate the artifact 3 is about a phone call. I sound more excitement in artifact 3 than the previous two artifacts for the appropriateness in hanging out on Saturday night. For telling each other's birthday, Xiaoting again demonstrated her fluency in introducing her birthday in Korean. She can work on more on accuracy to address the subtle differences within Korean pronunciation. I can work more on accuracy and accent for each words.