Hangul is the Korean alphabet system that has been used to write the Korean language since 15th century. The alphabet usually has 24 consonant and vowel letters but Hangul letters are grouped into blocks such as 한, each one is transcribes as a syllable. For example, 한 is composed of three letters :ㅎ h, ㅏ a, and ㄴ n. Those blocks are arranged horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom. And the graph of Hangul is shown below:
Consonant names have two-syllable names and it comes both at the beginning and end of the name which is shown below in table:
Consonant | Name |
ㄱ | giyeok (기역), or kiŭk (기윽) in North Korea |
ㄴ | nieun/niŭn (니은) |
ㄷ | digeut (디귿), or tiŭt (디읃) in North Korea |
ㄹ | rieul/riŭl (리을) |
ㅁ | mieum/miŭm (미음) |
ㅂ | bieup/piŭp (비읍) |
ㅅ | siot (시옷), or siŭt (시읏) in North Korea |
ㅇ | ieung/iŭng (이응) |
ㅈ | jieut/chiŭt (지읒) |
ㅊ | chieut/ch'iŭt (치읓) |
ㅋ | kieuk/k'iŭk (키읔) |
ㅌ | tieut/t'iŭt (티읕) |
ㅍ | pieup/p'iŭp (피읖) |
ㅎ | hieut/hiŭt (히읗) |
Vowel letters are simple, written with ㅇ ieung and the vowel being named. Here is the table for vowels:
Letter | Name | Letter | Name |
ㅏ | a (아) | ㅐ | ae (애) |
ㅑ | ya (야) | ㅒ | yae (얘) |
ㅓ | eo (어) | ㅔ | e (에) |
ㅕ | yeo (여) | ㅖ | ye (예) |
ㅗ | o (오) | ㅘ | wa (와) |
ㅛ | yo (요) | ㅙ | wae (왜) |
ㅚ | oe (외) | ||
ㅜ | u (우) | ㅝ | wo (워) |
ㅠ | yu (유) | ㅞ | we (웨) |
ㅟ | wi (위) | ||
ㅡ | eu (으) | ㅢ | ui (의) |
ㅣ | i (이) |
Table of Hangul: