My interest in my language is definitely the culture. Being born in the United States and growing up in Canada, I have always been distant from my Korean heritage. Because my parents never really forced Korean culture upon me, I was never truly taught on the Korean culture. I am just starting to discover all these cultural differences between the United States/Canada and Korea, and would like to learn more about the differences. It is fascinating being a part of two different cultures, and since I grew up in the American culture, I have become curious about the Korean culture as well.
I hope to just continue my progression in writing, reading, and speaking Korean. I just recently began learning Korean, and through SDLC I a hoping to speed up my learning process. Because I am thinking about studying abroad in Korea, I aim to be proficient enough in Korean to get the best out of a semester there. If I do end up in Korea, I intend to involve myself with the local Koreans as well as other study abroad students.