I watched a video https://youtu.be/4uGeMUotUYw that explained how in Finding Nemo, the relationship between the dad and Nemo is not good because the dad is too meddlesome. I came up with the list of words I did not know: 억압, 수단, 우위, 반발감, 귀천, 지당, 대물림, 우려, 철학적, 일념, 이론이, 수조, 역경, 저해, 미약, 치명적, 해파리, 험한, 전적, 화초, 구속, 급급하고, 저해, 차단, 여부, 지향, 무궁무진, 잠재적. I did not think that it would be so many words because I understood the video but I realized that I was picking up major words and making sense of them. I found the translations/definitions and tried to incorporate the terms into sentences.
- Suppression- 억압
- Way- 수단
- Predominance 우위
- Repulsion 반발감
- Dear 귀천
- Per capita 지당
- Mutation 대물림
- Concern 우려
- Philosophical 철학적
- Ideology 일념
- Theory 이론이
- Water tank 수조
- Diversity 역경
- Inhibition 저해
- Weak 미약
- Fatal 치명적
- Jellyfish 해파리
- Steep 험한
- Totally 전적
- Flower 화초
- Restriction 구속
- Urgency 급급하고
- Inhibition 저해
- Block 차단
- Whether 지향
- Oriented 무궁무진
- Potential 잠재적
*I also practiced how to type the words in Korean because I never typed in Korean