I was thinking about how to teach someone something in German or about the German language. I noticed that many people struggle with identifying the gender of German nouns. Although one would think that you can only learn the genders by heart, for some groups of nouns there are some consistent rules. Thus, I would teach tips and tricks about identifying the right article of a noun (der,die,das). These indicators are related to the beginning or ending of a noun. Below I will list some examples:
If the noun ends with -el, -ismums, -er ..., we can say with certainty that the gender is masculine (der Onkel, der Rassismus, der Vater).
If the noun ends with -heit -ie -schaft ..., we can say with certainty that the gender is feminine (die Freiheit, die Magie, die Manschaft).
If the noun ends with -chen, -lein ..., we can say with certainty that the gender is neutral (das Maedchen, das Buechlein).
There are also other rules. For example: dates and days are masculine.