Why are bilinguals smarter? Are bilinguals smarter?
I don’t think that bilinguals are necessarily smarter, but their brains’ do function differently. I think that being bilingual makes you utilize parts of your brains that make you seem smarter. In one of the reading, they mentioned things like multitasking and cancelling out distraction is very common amongst bilinguals and make them seem smarter.
People think that being bilingual makes it easier to learn additional languages. However, most bilinguals have good habits in building vocabulary and learning language structures, which makes it easier for bilinguals to learn new languages. This is a great, but sometimes it can have a negative effect. For example, in one of the article, it said that because bilinguals have to create two separate vocabularies, they may have a smaller vocabulary bank in both languages. Overall, their vocabulary is great, but individually, their vocabulary may be lacking. However, I think that you can always add to your vocabulary bank, so it isn’t too bad to be a bilingual.
Being bilingual makes it easier to make international friends, which can open their world to new perspectives and unique philosophies.
So, are bilinguals smarter? I don’t think so. We’re just normal people that speak two or more languages. Some of us could be smart, but the rest of us, I think we just have better learning methods.