In Korea, body language plays a big role in every day interactions. Korea's language is based off of Confucianism and has strong foundation for hierarchy. For example, one of my cultural presenations focused on meal and drinking etiquette in Korea. When beginning a meal, it is important to wait to be seated. Always wait for the oldest people to sit down before you take a seat at the table. Before eating, especially when you are a guest, it is also polite to say that you are looking forward to the meal (jalmukesumneda/I will eat well). This sentence is said with a bow with the head. Similar phrases such as "anyonghaseyo/hello (formal)" is also done with a bow with the head to signify respect. Any time you talk to someone older or respectful, possibly through rank or social status, always talk with the formal tense.
When refilling your drink, it is important to pour drinks for others first, especially those senior to you. If you are accepting a drink, accept the drink with both hands. When pouring drinks for elders, rest your free hand under your wrist of your pouring hand. Finally, when you are done eating your meal, it is important to thank the host for the meal (masegaemugusuyo/I ate well). Just like before, with a bow of the head. Make sure you do not leave leftovers! It is rude not to finish your plate! Also something to keep in mind, if there is a sign indicating not to tip, do not tip the waiters. It is considered rude in Korea to tip!
Other social linguistic aspects is that Koreans never point with their index finger, or signal someone to come over with the index finger. These kinds of motions are done for animals, for example, telling a dog to come over. Instead, one should use the whole hand to indicate a motion. When signalling a child, for example, to come over, use the palm (face down) in a sort of patting motion.
In Korean business culture, it is expected to show up on time. Just like American culture, it is okay to be late, but not often. However, if it involves more leisurely activities, there is no emphasis on being punctual. It is expected to be on time, but it is okay if you are not. The more important thing to address is accommodating the elders. If a party is held, it is okay to be late as long as there are enough seats to be distributed for the elders or people of honor.
There is a strange paradox in Korean time, where Koreans are generally late, but are always in a rush. Because of this, there is a running joke of being "on time" and being "Korean on time." Koreans are generally impatient due to the fact that they are often running behind schedule and do not show up on time. Interestingly enough, this may be the cause of the high rate of traffic accidents in Korea.
This attitude is reflected in the Korean language. There is a word in Korean, "ppali" which means "quickly." Korea has a "ppali ppali" culture and people are often seen holding their coffee cups before the coffee has finished dispensing and drinking their beverages before they have even paid for the item.
Also, in relation to business culture and meeting new people, Koreans consider it impolite to be touched by someone who is not a relative or close friend. Avoid eye contact between senior members.